~ Saturday, June 05, 2004 ~
I can't wait.
[The] (Rabbi) D[e]an [of] A[dmissi](r)ons(on)* left a message on my cell phone on Friday afternoon. I listened to it as we (= the Wayward Youths) were stopping briefly as we drove down from Albany and NYC. The gist? I passed. I start Mechinah in August. I'm going out of my mind with excitement. This news justifies my entire year here.
Oh, and Lake George is devastatingly beautiful and the Wayward crew are a lovely bunch, but we were practicing for most of yesterday and today, and now my shins hurt. On the other hand, I'm going to rabbinical school. Wow.
Current Music: Ca Ira, Baguette Quartette
*for name, remove bracketed bits; for title, remove parantheticals
~ prattled by Miriam at 11:02 p.m. [+]
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